Friday, February 26, 2010

Tactical map and new menus

These days I've been working on the gameplay, developing the tactical view, its functions and creating the missions generator. Everything is working nicely, but still there's a lot to do.

Here some images showing the tactical screen, where we receive intelligence reports, that tell us where might be some missions that we could take.

Once we accept a mission, we must do everything to acomplish it. The map tells us how we can get to the location.

Also, there are a couple of new windows:

1. MISSIONS: to see missions available and their status.
2. INTELLIGENCE: a window with a list of the intelligence reports.
3. INFORMATION: tells us where we are in the map.
4. STATS: generates statistical graphics with a little bit of everything, money, credits, scores, FPS, UPS and other useful information.

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