Thursday, August 12, 2010


What almost everyone criticized the most, were the soldier's animations and their low detail. Today I finished a new model of soldier with more real details and less polygons.

This soldier allows us to customize the texture of the face, and also has the new animations. Now they can shoot while moving forward, if is there any danger, they throw themselves to the ground, seek for contact with enemy or friends, and if they get bored, they train or excercise.

I hope you like the style of the uniform and helmet. Soon I'll be posting a video of the new animations.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Tactical map and new menus

These days I've been working on the gameplay, developing the tactical view, its functions and creating the missions generator. Everything is working nicely, but still there's a lot to do.

Here some images showing the tactical screen, where we receive intelligence reports, that tell us where might be some missions that we could take.

Once we accept a mission, we must do everything to acomplish it. The map tells us how we can get to the location.

Also, there are a couple of new windows:

1. MISSIONS: to see missions available and their status.
2. INTELLIGENCE: a window with a list of the intelligence reports.
3. INFORMATION: tells us where we are in the map.
4. STATS: generates statistical graphics with a little bit of everything, money, credits, scores, FPS, UPS and other useful information.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Advances of the last weeks

Despite that the scenary is not finished yet, I decided to create a system in which the map generates itself according to the mesh of the scenary, this way I avoid to create a new map each time I change something in the scenary.

I would love to have a geographical style map, but that’s gonna have to wait, instead this new map contains lines and colors according the points of latitude, and a little transparency, so it won't mix up the map with the units.

This tactical map shows us an icon that represents each unit and its orientation, except in the case of the soldiers.

I’m also creating a new system to generate missions. These missions will be seen in the tactical map, with an icon of a satellite, and we can choose to accept the mission or not, and try to accomplish that mission.
If we don’t accept the mission, and we let it pass, new missions we’ll be generated.

Website and forum!

As you can see now the web site in both versions, Spanish and English. Also is available the new forum. So, please visit us at and registrate. If you’d like to help, we’d like to have ideas from you.

New 4 x 4 civil trucks

Here is a new truck for one of the bands, I hope you like it. Some features are:
4 x 4 civil armed truck
2 crew
2 passengers max.
Poor blindage
Good speed

Plants proof

To add some realism to the scenario, I’m modeling some vegetation. Here the first shoot, I think it went just fine. I’ll try to make a (desert) vegetation generator.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Bloody Desert by IndieSoft

Bloody Desert is a strategy game that takes place in modern times. A vast territory has been invaded by an unknown enemy. You'll have to restore order by using your resources and weaponry to recover the lost territories.

The game is played on a stage with dynamic campaign that does not separate in missions, but is continuous, meaning that although we have been playing only for a month, we can see our first bases just by going to them. Forget about all that used to happen with other strategy games, where you lose all your achievements of the previous missions. In Bloody Desert your previous achievements are not lost or disappeared when going forward in the game.

Missions are everywhere, because each unit has their own missions, and our goal as a player, is that all units will achieve their missions, such as rescue, transport, attack and defense.

In the beginning you’ll be alone, and as you are gaining battles, you'll be able to ask for more soldiers, tanks, technology, weapons and all kinds of reinforcements.

By gaining possession of the territories, we find resources that need to be tapped to market because unlike other games, resources are not automatically converted into money. Money and resources that we make must be delivered to our country's government. As resources and money are sent to the government, we'll win points that allow us to have reinforcements when we ask for them.

All units have fuel, health and limited ammunition; this is to emphasize the use of the bases. In the bases we have resources to optimize our units, such as HQ, fuel, garages, communications and satellite connection, barracks, heliport, tanks, radars, fenders and more.

In the game each soldiers has its own information sheet, with all data, such as name, experience and rank, and each one of the soldiers is an important piece to achieve victory in our missions, so that when we lose soldiers, we are very sorry.

In this blog we'll be posting the lastest advances of this game. Keep visiting this blog to be up to date with all the news! Thanks for your visit and comments